Governance and Finance Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee includes the Board’s three Office Bearers together with external members with extensive legal, finance and governance experience as well as an independent chair.
The Board
The Board is acutely aware of its responsibilities to ensure best value from community benefits funding and the importance of good governance in achieving this. It has established a Governance & Finance Sub-Committee to support the Board and the Chief Operating Officer in respect of the effectiveness of the Trust’s governance arrangements.
The Sub-Committee includes the Board’s three Office Bearers together with external members with extensive legal, finance and governance experience and has an independent chair. The Sub-Committee reviews and provides advice and/or recommendations to the Board and the Chief Operating Officer on matters of governance and finance, including:
processes for risk, financial control and governance
the management accounts, accounting policies, the annual accounts, the annual report of the Trust, and management’s letter of representation to the external auditors
the activity and results of both internal and external audit
the adequacy of management response to issues identified by audit activity, including external audit’s management letter
policies to support good governance.
Policies in place cover the Trustees’ Code of Conduct, Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy and Data Protection Policy.
The 9CC Group Constitution has recently been reviewed and updated in line with advice from the Trust’s legal advisers.
Internal guidance has also been developed covering Financial Policy & Procedures, Treasury Management & Reserves, Grant Application & Processing, together with a suite of HR policies.